gangibou 雁木棒
KEY WORD : architecture / folk dwellings
A thatching tool, kayayane fuki kougu 茅屋根葺き工具, with a timber head, about 25 x 30 x 5cm, fixed to a cylindrical handle, e 柄, about 2m long. It is used to align the ends of newly laid reeds on the surface of a roof to achieve a smooth finish. It is also used to dress the eaves. The striking face of the gangibou often has a sawtooth profile, hence the use of the term gangi, meaning zigzag. However, tools with a flat striking face are still called gangibou. Tools with a sawtooth profile are called meari gangibou 目あり雁木棒 and those without, menashi gangibou 目なし雁木棒. Also referred to simply as *gangi 雁木, gagi がぎ or gagibou がぎぼう.


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