fudegaeshi 筆返し
KEY WORD : architecture / aristocratic dwellings
A curved wooden border attached to the end of a desk or shelf to prevent brushes and scrolls from rolling off. It is also decorative and is found on staggered shelves *chigaidana 違い棚, short writing desks fuzukue 文机 and sutra stands kyoudai 経台. The tip of the fudegaeshi is called tomari とまり, the main body is called fudegaeshi, the lower convex curve is called hatomune 鳩胸 (pigeon breast). The width of the table or shelf extending beyond the attached border is known as ita-no-de 板の出. Various types of fudegaeshi are distinguished by the shape of their cross-section. These include: tatsunami 立波 (standing wave); wakaba 若葉 (young leaf); miyakodori 都鳥 (seagull); karaba 唐葉 (Chinese leaf); kaeshinami 返波 (returning wave), and takagashira 鷹頭 (hawks head).

a) fudegaeshi 筆返し b) *ebizuka 海老束    Koudaiji Houjou 高台寺方丈 (Kyoto)


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