KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
The horizontal boards positioned across the front of a veranda on top of the struts *enzuka ‰‘© and under the outer cut ends of the veranda boards *en-ita ‰”Â. They tie the tops of the struts together. Sometimes the enkazura are cut to fit between the struts. In this case, they are inserted into the veranda struts. When the veranda boards are cut short *nure-en ”G‰, they are placed at right angles to the direction of the ridge. If the veranda boards are long and run parallel to the direction of the ridge kure-en žÒ‰ (see *engamachi ‰žy), the outer-most one is supported by the enkazura. These boards also provide a neat finish.

*en *entsunagi ‰”É

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