chagake 茶掛
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
A hanging scroll *kakemono 掛物 for the alcove of a tearoom, mounted in the rinhoe 輪ほえ or informal sou 草 mode (see *shin-gyou-sou 真行草). Initially, small works of bird-and-flower painting, and ink paintings from the Sung and Yuan dynasties were used. In the latter half of the 15c, however, the tea master Murata Jukou 村田珠光 (1422-1502) used brushwork in ink on paper or cloth *bokuseki 墨跡, especially calligraphy by Zen 禅 monks of the Rinzai 臨済 sect. Calligraphy, particularly by Zen priests, then came to be a highly regarded addition to the tea room. Ink paintings were also favored. The use of ogura shikishi 小倉色紙 by the tea master Takeno Jouou 武野紹鴎 (1502-55) in 1555 is thought to be the first use of valued old paintings for tea rooms. In addition to old paintings and calligraphy *tanzaku 短冊 (a strip of fine paper used for writing poetry), letters, kaishi 懐紙 (paper used for Japanese poetry in certain formal circumstances) came to be appreciated as chagake.


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