andon-e 行燈絵
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Paintings on paper lanterns that adorn temple and shrine precincts and the gates of residences during a festival. Generally, a well-known personage or artist would decorate these lanterns with written characters and painted designs, but because the lanterns then were displayed outdoors, it was difficult to preserve them. Some examples remain today, as do some of the preliminary sketches for the designs before they were brushed onto the lanterns. Images of these painted paper lanterns can be seen in multi-colored prints by Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (Toyokuni 3 三代豊国; 1786-1864) and Keisai Eisen 溪斎英泉 (1791-1848) and in painted handscrolls by Kuwagata Keisai 鍬形寫ヨ (1764-1824).


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