KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also written ŠGU”Β or ŒbU”Β.
A board cut in a decorative shape and attached at a right angle to the projecting end of a purlin, the extended end of a horizontal beam used in fencing, or on both ends of a mud-roofed gate *agetsuchimon γ“y–ε. The support is called *eburidai •ΏU‘δ and the indented curve on the upper part of the ornamental shape is called eburidani •ΏU’J. A decorative board may also be attached to the overhanging end of a pent roof *hisashi ›ω. The term is commonly used for an ornamental board used to hide otherwise exposed edges on folk dwellings *minka –―‰Ζ. The name is derived from a farmer's tool eburi •ΏU that was made of a square board with a long handle attached at right angle. It served the same purpose as the western hoe. Thus, attaching a board to the end of a beam recalled the hoe, and the name was transferred to a similar arrangement of members in architecture.
Nikkou Toushouguu Karamon “ϊŒυ“ŒΖ‹{“‚–ε (Tochigi)
Nikkou Toushouguu Karamon
“ϊŒυ“ŒΖ‹{“‚–ε (Tochigi)


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